At Rupt we carbon offset all the CO2 emissions of all of our products by helping finance the King County Forest Carbon Program.

This program supports the permanent protection of threatened forests in both rural and more suburban parts of the county across a set of dispersed properties including some islands in Puget Sound.

As of 2020, the project has acquired 96 parcels totaling 514 hectares and will continue to add more as the project progresses. Run by the King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks (DNRP), this project is using carbon financing to accelerate the purchase of additional parcels of land that are at risk of clearing for rural residential development or commercial timber harvest.

Keep on reading to know how Rupt contributes to carbon offsetting and environmental sustainability!


King County Parks

United States | 514 ha | Developer: King County Department of Natural Resources, Water and Land Resources Division

Descripción de la imagen
Registry ID: 1911


The Rural King County project aims to improve outdoor recreation in the project area, including through hiking trails such as this. (Photo credit: King County Parks)

The understory of a parcel that was added to the northeast end of Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.

This parcel, near Sammamish, was added to continue expansion on the north end of Soaring Eagle Regional Park. (Photo credit: King County Parks)

One of the project’s forest inventory plots in Mitchell Hill.

Little Lake Forest in South King County was primarily an industrial forest prior to being acquired by the project. (Photo credit: King County Parks)

A King County Parks volunteer event at Soaring Eagle Regional park. (Photo credit: King County Parks)


Rupt rigorously evaluated countless carbon offsetting projects to ensure that we're supporting only the highest quality projects. Our evaluation criteria includes a series of checks that the project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below:


The figure above shows the project area outlined in white, and observed forest loss in red. The project has been active since 2015. Rupt analyzes forest loss data and removes false positives during our project evaluation process.

Contains modified data from Hansen Global Forest Change v1.9 (2001-2021).

Project Story
Providing clean air, water, and public parks by protecting existing forests
Located near Seattle, Washington in the Pacific Northwest, this area is known for its temperate rainforests that include some of the largest trees in the world, yet is also the most populous county in the state with over 2.23 million residents. Most forests in King County have been heavily cut for timber production and regenerated one or more times since the late 1800s. Additionally, over the past several decades, increased local housing demand has expanded into rural areas putting pressure on nearby forests. By conserving these forests, the project will not only provide net emissions reductions but also protect biodiversity, water quality, and other ecosystem services.
The King County Rural Forest Carbon Project is a Grouped Project including multiple properties. All acquired properties will be managed for conservation, including enhancing carbon storage, maintaining or improving fish and wildlife habitat, recreation, and with certain properties maintaining activities like selective thinning to enhance forest health and resilience.
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tons of net CO2 emissions will be reduced over the project’s first 10 years (12.82 tons per hectare per year).
year crediting period, started on Jan. 1 2015
King County staff leading a tour in Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park.


Climate benefits and healthy communities

All of the properties included in the project are open for public use, expanding access to forested green space and providing physical and mental health benefits to the county’s residents. There is significant local support for additional parks, green space, and conservation in the rapidly developing area surrounding Seattle. Learn more about a few of their key initiatives:

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Sustainable cities and communities
Acquiring properties for the King County Parks system, which provides employment opportunities, youth job training, education programming, and recreational access development.
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Climate action
Protecting remaining high conservation value lands and securing a regional trail network within 30 years with The King County Land Conservation Initiative.
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Clean water and sanitation
Protecting and restoring habitats in order to preserve and enhance the well-being of 2.25 million residents, fulfill tribal treaty rights, eliminate inequities, and recover threatened salmon and orca through the Clean Water Healthy Habitat Strategic Plan.


Sustaining habitat for salmon and other wildlife

Protecting these forests saves critical salmon habitat and preserves corridors for Washington State’s remaining elk, bears, and other wildlife in an increasingly fragmented and paved-over landscape. By maintaining forests on the landscape, the project also improves water quality and quantity throughout the county in parallel with improved air quality.

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Western Red-Cedar

Native to the West Coast of the U.S., the western red cedar grows up to 300 feet tall, especially in moist, cool, or fertile areas, and can often live to 1,000 years old if undisturbed. It is one of the most culturally important species for Tribes in the Pacific Northwest, with high conservation value.


This project protects intact forests, including areas where western red-cedar is well-established. In cases where acquired forests have a low diversity of tree species, western red-cedar is one of the species planted.

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Salmon populations in the Puget Sound region have sustained Indigenous communities and played a key role in natural ecosystems for millennia. Puget Sound is home to five species of salmon including Pink, Chum, Chinook, and Coho, but habitat degradation and loss, along with overfishing, have led to sharp declines since the late 1800s. Degradation of riparian forests and loss of forest cover have altered in-stream conditions and have contributed to these declines.


Healthy riparian and upland forests protect salmon habitat. This project protects high-priority forestland, contributing to shading in riparian areas and keeping stream temperatures lower, while also protecting upland forests that provide water quality and quantity benefits essential for salmon.


Applicable calculation methods are referenced in the reports below. Note that registries do not publicly provide all pertinent data required to reproduce emissions calculations. However, Independent Validation and Verification Bodies have access to the data needed to reproduce and verify emissions calculations.

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Monitoring Report


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Project Description Document


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Verification Report


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Verification Report


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Validation Report


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Monitoring Report